Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Need a Break? We've got another one for you...

Think you're having de ja vu? No, you are just thinking about this post

Yesterday at 4pm Sarah was on our trampoline with Evie (yes the same trampoline that caused Grace's broken arm in February) and in the midst of a flip things went awry and she landed with a gruesomely bent arm.

We rushed her to Children's Hospital and were there by 4:30. Things were going smoothly for us and by 6pm she had her iv, xrays done, and morphine on board. Both bones in her right forearm were broken and at a 40 degree angle (but thankfully did not penetrate the skin) so she had to go under sedation for the bones to be set and casted. We were told we had about an hour wait until it would be our turn with the ortho surgeon and anesthesiologist.

That hour came and went and another and another. Aparantly, this became the worst Tuesday they had seen in a long time with severe trama patients and a constant flow of broken bones coming in that needed emergency surgery right as we were the next ones in line and long story short, it was midnight before they were able to get the orthopaedist surgeon back down from the OR for Sarah.

We had them give her another dose of morphine around 9pm and she had been able to sleep from 9-12. We got out of there a little before 2am, she was not feeling well from the sedation and threw up in the car. It was a long night.

After getting the older girls off to school this morning, I climbed back in bed with her and we slept in until nearly 11am.

She has been quite uncomfortable today and not her normal Sarah self. Her fingers are swelling and she has pain in her arm when she moves the fingers so we are keeping a close eye on that and her pain is being managed with round the clock Loritab for these first couple days.

The trampoline is now gone.


  1. Oh sorry to hear that. The picture above is so precious - she is trying so hard to smile. Patrick's sister is a physical therapist and she HATES trampolines...I thought she was being too cautious...but I can see why now.

  2. Poor thing! Hopefully she'll start to feel a little better soon!
