Sunday, October 26, 2008


"90% of motherhood involves some sort of wiping."
...and I'm not just talking about butts, although as a mother I have found that I continue to wipe many more butts than just my own even though none of my four children are in diapers anymore. Ah, the sweet sound of the sing-songy "maaaaaaa meeeeeee, I poooooooooo eeeeeeeeed!" or the more quiet, shy, "mom? I need help".
but anyway...I found a package of tissues with this saying on it awhile ago and could not resist the purchase. Anyone who is a mother knows the deep truth of this statement. I thought I'd try to list out as many things as I could think of that I wipe on any given day. If you can think of more, feel free to leave a comment below...go ahead...don't be shy. :)
A day in the life of a wiping mother: I wipe...
  • the sleep out of my eyes
  • the toothpaste drool off my mouth
  • my first butt of the day
  • spilled milk
  • dog pee off the floor
  • peanut butter, crumbs, dried on/unidentifiable substances off kitchen counters and various other surfaces in the house
  • bodies in and out of baths and showers
  • messy mouths
  • sticky fingers
  • another butt
  • blood off boo-boo's
  • glue and paint off the table
  • handprints off windows, tv's, furniture, computer screen, mirrors...
  • coffee that frequently spills all over my car console
  • tears that fall (every day, from someone)
  • another butt
  • stains on clothes (actually I don't try that hard...i can barely keep up with the laundry let alone worry about stain removal!)
  • slobbery kisses off my face (though I do enjoy them!)
  • crayon and marker off the wall (some is waiting for me downstairs at this very moment - thanks go to Grace and William)
  • nail polish off pitifully chipped toenails (my toes used to always be beautiful...sigh.)
  • makeup off of little girls faces (right before daddy comes home)
  • dust off of every surface in our house (actually thats a lie...i rarely dust)
  • sweat off my brow when I find time to run
  • poop, gum and mud off the bottom of shoes
  • the brow of a puking child
  • smug looks off pre-teen faces
  • another butt

So what have you wiped lately?

1 comment:

  1. You missed the very obvious snotty nose. Mine and theirs unfortuntely at this time of year.

    how about dead bugs off the windows,walls or where every you finally stop them.

    I think you covered everythign else.
