Friday, November 7, 2008

Drawing A Blank

Could it be that I am already out of witty material?

I got nothing, folks.

What should I chronicle about my life and my GEMS next?


  1. How about that list of witty things our children say that we all say we should be writing down. Pull that out.

    Something about how you and CJ met?

    Cat scratch disease?

  2. Don't feel like you need to write the great American blog every day. You did a good month's worth in a week, so it's no wonder you're low on material. A paragraph now and then might get the juices flowing.

  3. How about the swim meet on Sunday?

  4. It's called "blog awareness." When the kids do something cute think, "that would be a great blog post." For instance, Grace sneezing in a special way, Sarah running down the street in a beautiful way, or the dog having a rarely cute moment. Just keep the camera handy and when the fancy strikes you, blog it up! That's what I do anyway. :)
