Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Home Improvement

The Hubs and I have been home improving the last week as a means of therapy. We spend more time together and are more on the same page when we have common projects to accomplish.

I am in decorator mode right now. I go through it a couple times a year when suddenly I must have change and I must have it now! I usually pull something from my master "things I want to change in the house" list and have at it.

This last week, it started with my husband coming home and changing out the shiny gold door knobs and hinges to dark bronze in the basement because we have been wanting to upgrade down there a bit and he knew this was the kind of door hardware I wanted in the whole house. He also has been busying himself the last couple weeks in our basement storage area, cleaning it out, laying carpet and attempting to create a workout room for me...(is that a subliminal message??)

It extrapolated into going out and buying a new vanity for the basement bathroom, and then the door knobs and hinges in dark bronze for the main level. From there it lead to replacing the solid door going down to the basement with a glass paned one, and somehow this also led to ripping up the carpet going up the front stairs. (We have a house built in the early 80's so there is always an updating project to keep us busy.)

Somehow this all led to me rearranging the family room furniture. And the living room. Oh and simultaneously I was painting my daughter's room in anticipation of the Big 10th Birthday Room Makeover this weekend...can't wait to "reveal" it to you readers, too!

I happily ignored the mountainous pile on my kitchen desk, the laundry, dust, toilet rings, and general crap that lays all over the house while I entertained myself with these fun projects.

So here is the status of all these projects:

Door hardware on basement and main level: completed and FABULOUS! What an upgrade!

(Door hardware on upper level: pending as we wait for money tree to grow more leaves)

Storage room to exercise room: in progress

Glass paned door to basement: painted and hung, paint scraping of glass panes still not finished

basement bathroom vanity: done, but water doesn't work, need to resolve

10th bday room: painted bright green and turquoise, full blown makeover to commence Friday with help from surprise guest arrival

Front Stairs: yeah, those...a work in progress. There is currently no carpet and Hubs has been diligently pulling out the 12,657 staples in the wood. Our plan is to paint the railing and the treads black, the rise white and put a carpet runner up them...anyone know what the latest, most current look is for wood stairs?

I do have pics but have not loaded them yet...I'll get to it, I know pics are worth a thousand words!


  1. Our house was built in the 80s too. Recently, we converted our garage into a master bedroom suite. We still want to recarpet, repaint, add a family room, update kitchen, etc. Can't wait to see the big room reveal!

  2. Well aren't you two busy. OH How I would love, love, love to change out all our door knobs and hinges. Maybe I will buy one a month this year. Interested to see how the stairs turn out. Remember when we took up the carpet in or SLP house and there was glued down tile by the front door? John and I would take turns sitting and scraping it up for a few minutes every night for weeks before it was finally all up. Reminds me of taking up all the staples on the stairs. Of course CJ is way more focused than we are so he is probably done by now.

  3. Wow! This will be really fun to see.

  4. Sounds like you guys have been busy. Can't wait to see pics - you are very creative with your arts/crafts/decorations. We have been busy down under :) here in Perth too - it is the last day of Christmas/summer holidays today so we have been busy playing, crafting, organizing & generally being busy for the past 6 weeks. However it will be back to business starting Monday :( which means my facebook & blog friends? will have more of my attention (sorry I haven't commented in a while :))
