Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's in a Nickname?

I am a nickname mom. It is rare that I call my children their given names to their faces. I love pet names, plays on their name, lovey names, etc. This may stem from the fact that my parents never called me by my name to my face unless they were mad at me. Truly, the only time my dad ever called me "Michele" is when he was displeased with me, and I hated the way it sounded, even though I like my name.

My husband also never calls me by Michele, and if he does, it sounds so wierd and I hate it. You may wonder what they call me nickname is Shel. However, I would say that most of my adult friends call me by Michele and it doesn't bother me at all. But I do find that those closest to me always naturally transition to Shel. I have one friend that came up with the nickname "Shellatte" for me because of my love of Starbucks Lattes...I love that nickname!

My parents had nicknames for all three of us siblings growing up. Mine was "Bee Bop Baby and I Don't Mean Maybe". Yup, that's right. Where did this come from, you ask? I believe that it started from them calling me Shelby, shortened to Bee, then Bee Bop, then Bee Bop Baby and I Don't Mean Maybe. My dad still calls me Shelby or Bee and I like it. Perhaps Mom or Dad could clarify in comments about how this crazy nickname came to be.

My parents called my sister Melainey Dingle-Fritzer. Now I have to know the history behind that dad?

My brother was called Shotter Bo, or Shot Bo or Shot...again, how did you come up with that?

From the time I was two I called my sister Nonny because I couldn't pronounce her is rare to never transition out of a toddler nickname, but I never did and have called her Non my whole life, even my children call her Aunty Nonny. My brother called her Non until he became an adult and thought he was "too cool for school" and transitioned himself to Mel...I still think it's wierd to hear him call her Mel instead of Non.

When E was a baby we tried out the common "Peanut" with her. It just didn't stick. I went through a long phase where I referred to all my girls as my lambs or lammie's and I called E "Lammie" a lot. Now that she is such a big girl we mostly stick with the basic "Ev" and sometimes the dramatic "Evieleena" that she wishes was her given formal name.

M I think I have gone over before...I would say we mostly call her Mads, but any variation...Mads, Madel, Madelina, Madelie, Madder, Madeleenie, Mads Mare...and following my parents lead, I find that I only call her Madeline when I am being stern with her.

S is referred to mostly by her middle name around here...Rose, Rosy, Roe, SarRosy.

G has the most unusual nickname. The Goo...this nickname has evolved over time. Somehow Goose or Goosey started to stick on her and we'd call her Gracie Goosie, then Gray Goose, then Gray Goo, then just Gooey for a long time, which then got switched up to Goo, Google, Googley, GooBall, Goofy, and Googie. So we just stick with "The Goo" now, since it sums up all the wacky names we call her nicely. I also call her "baby girl" and she likes that title a lot! :)

I'm also all about the "lovey" names for my kids...honey, baby, sweetie, cutie, dollbaby, dear one, lovie, my love...don't you just want to vomit? :)

Nicknames to me mean endearment, love, and personal connection with someone. If I know a friend has a nickname, I tend to use it. It feels closer, more bonded.

How about you, what nicknames do you have for yourself/hubby, or give to your kids and how did those names come about?


  1. I love this post! I'm a nicknames person too! My nieces call me Ashee {A She} because they couldn't say Alicia, and now that the oldest is about to be 13, she sometimes tries out Alicia instead, and it makes me want to cry!

    My daughter is Caroline, and I call her Boog. It started as Boggie Boo because she has always loved music, and would "boogie down" all the time. Then it was Booga Boo, and now Boog. Also love muffin, Carolina Sunshine, and stinky mcgee!

    My husband is Tab, and yes, that is his given name! But Caroline calls him Tabo, and I call him Tabby Poo {he's gonna kill me for this!}

    And all of our 4 dogs have nicknames as well, but I will stop with these!

  2. I never thought of myself as a nickname kind of girl. But I guess I've called Mike the traditional "babe" since the beginning. How that came about I don't know. I didn't even really realize that I did it until I accidentally called Lilia "babe" the other day to which I was immediately told, "I'm not babe, I'm yiyers!" (Lilers) :)

  3. Chris will always be 'Sweatpea' to me (and no one else!).

    Dash has several nicknames (none of which he actully comes to when called):
    Dasher, Dashy, Dashy Doo, Dashy Baby, Bear, Cooter, Punky...

    Oddly - I can't recall what Chris calls me. I know it isn't Jessy - the first time he called me Jessy it sounded so wierd I looked at him and said "What did I do? Are you mad at me?" (he wasn't - just decided to call me by my name for some reason). Would it be bad to IM him and ask what he usually calls me? Hmmm - maybe I need to pay closer attention to him when he's talking to me...

  4. Love hearing about all your nicknames!

    Alicia, love Boog..sounds like that one will carry with her for life...bring on the dog nicknames too! I didn't think of that...we call our dog, Lucy, and assortment of inappropriate names: Lucifer, Idiot, Dum-dum, Dog, poor thing-there is just not enough love to go around! :)

    Jess, I am cracking up that you have all these nicknames for your dog but that he doesn't come to any of them...and that you cannot remember what your husband calls you! Maybe he just calls you "hey you"...let me know what he says when you ask him what he calls you!

    Julia, yes, I think that Lilers is your first kid nickname that you have used! I know Mike calles you Julie as I also like to use sometimes when referring to you. :)

    thanks for the comments! keep 'em coming!

  5. UPDATE:
    I had to break down and ask him but I know what Chris calls me now (and they do all sound familiar now that I've heard them)!

    Sweatpea, sweatheart, Jess, J Po (as in J Lo - but for Jessy Perzel instead of Jennifer Lopez)etc...

  6. What a great post! Some of the names we use around here are: Lulu, Boo, Baby, Honey, Lilybell, Punkin, Poodlebutt (yeah, I know). My mom still calls me baby girl...I love it!

  7. I was talking to Mom and Melanie on the phone a little while ago and Mom says "What about Pookie Bear? CJ used to call you that when you were dating. My Mom used to call me Pegs and if my brothers don't call me Peg I think they are mad at me."

    As for Melanee Dingle-Fritzer, I don't know where we came up with that. But we stopped using it when Mel was about 2 because Diane H. said she didn't want to hear it anymore because of the teasing Mel would get if it was used when she was older. I think Melanee stayed around a while longer though.

    Now, Be-Bop-Baby... came from a 1956 song by Gene Vincent named Be-Bop-A-Lula (I looked it up). Of course, being good 'christian' kids your Mom and I never listened to that kind of music -- yeah, right! The first lines are "Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby, be-bop-a-lula and I don't mean maybe". Since I called you Bee the name just evolved from the song.

    As for Mike being called Shot, I have no idea. Maybe because he was our Big Shot because he was the only boy.

    I have pretty much been Jerry or Jer. I was only called Gerald when my Mom was mad at me and in 2nd grade when I decided that was my name -- so use it!. (How stupid! I saw my 2nd grade teacher when I was a Senior in HS and she stilled called me Gerald!) Mom also called me Jer-Hee-Hee or Hee-Hee because of my laugh when I was little (probably still do Hee-Hee when I laugh.) My brother calls me G.P. sometimes and I'm Woofie or Woof-Man by several of my co-workers.

    And, let's not forget Peaches who was Peachie and stupid-dog among others I can't remember.


  8. Thanks Dad! I knew I could count on you for some random trivia about the origins of our nicknames! You didn't disappoint! :) I never knew about the song my nickname originated from.

    Funny how Mom, like me, thinks her family is mad at her if they call her by her full given name. I always secretly thought that Non and Mike always call/ed me Michele was that they didn't like me...maybe not too far off, since my nickname for Michael was Butthole. :)

    I remember we called Peaches "Peachie Weechie" and I went through a phase where I called her Muffin and Muffinelle. Stupid-dog was coined by Andrea from Germany...she really wasn't a stupid dog. :)

  9. I am cracking up at these nicknames! Okay here goes the dogs:

    Heidi: Heidi bo bidie, Heidi ho
    Betsy: betsy boo
    Daisy Mae: Lazy daisy, daisy doo
    Shimmer: shimmer bo bimmer, shimmy do, shim shim

  10. By the way...I love "The Goo" great nickname!
