Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Sarah's 6th birthday!

Happy 6th birthday to my girl, Sarah Rose! I really had to scramble with this party, as it was planned as an outdoor party with 16 kindergarteners. We had ordered a jumpy thingy and that was going to be the fun along with pizza and a pinata. Two days before the party it was clear that it was going to rain the day of the party, so I had to cancel the jumpy thing and quickly pull together some entertainment for the kids.

I was stressed but managed to pull it off with the help and calming influence of my dear friend, Holly! We had the party in the garage and played a bunch of "carnival" style games with the kids and still had pizza and the pinata. It was a hit and the kids had a lot of fun!

Sarah Rose has always been such a delight with her spunky personality and super-sized zest for life! She was joyful as always and had a great SpongeBob fun time! She is so pleased to be 6 and feels so old! I love my girl!


  1. It looks like she had a wonderful time. Your such a good Mom, Michele. Way to create a fabulous birthday even when your crunched for time. She'll remember how fun her birthday party's always were. :)

  2. Birthday season is almost over for you. I'm not sure if this is cause to celebrate or mourn - I know I would be celebrating but that's part of why I've opted to stick with dogs!
