Friday, December 19, 2008

Party and Pagent...kindergarten style

S had her kindergarten Christmas party and pagent yesterday. I helped her teacher with the party and got some great pictures. This class is so wonderful. Our teacher has been teaching K for 15 years. She is new to the school this year, as is the whole kindergarten program. It had only been a 1st-8th gr school before they added 5 kindergarten classes this year. We were so blessed to get our teacher. She is amazing and has total loving control of this class of 10. It is a pleasure to get to visit and be in the class as room mom.

Mrs. E starts the kids out each morning writing and drawing in their journal. Here is S having hers checked. This morning they wrote about the nativity and drew a picture...S drew a great looking stable with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. I am so thankful for our school and the fact that the children get to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Party snack time. I made the kids lots of sugar so they would be all wired for their pagent! Jello jigglers, birthday cupcakes for Jesus, chocolate covered pretzels, goldfish, and juice boxes.
Getting ready for the pagent. Our class were shephards and one of the amazing moms made these awesome costumes for them!Mrs. E's awesome kindergarten Shephards!
Here are the shephards in their role...they sang The First Noel...Sarah is right in the middle. You can see how seriously she took her role and if you know her voice, you can hear her singing, she was the loudest one. So precious. Parents really do go nuts over this kind of thing, I am no exception! :)

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous. I also missed this one. Sarah is such a facinating person. I look forward to seeing who she becomes.

